Speaking 연습장

이전 그 그룹의 일원들은 고객 불만을 해결하기 위해 협력하여 일한다 종료 다음
문장 내 빈 칸에 알맞은 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성해보세요! 우수 정답자 2분을 선정하여 YBM인강 단과강의 5천원 할인쿠폰을 드리며 제출하신 문장은 응시기간 종료후 노출됩니다.
(* 쿠폰은 익월 10일 경에 한 번에 지급됩니다.)
The members of the group work ___________ to resolve customer ___________.
  • 모범 정답 The members of the group work cooperatively to resolve customer complaints.
  • 우수 정답자 ID : woo*** / The members of the group work cooperatively to resolve customer complaints.
  • 우수 정답자 ID : sml****** / The members of the group work cooperatively to resolve customer complaints.
ID 제출 문장 등록일
val****** together, complain 23/04/20 08:46:11
seo****** together,complaints 23/04/20 08:46:00
ysl***** The members of the group work together to resolve customer complaint. 23/04/20 08:34:36
pco** The members of the group work together to resolve customer complaint. 23/04/20 08:33:26
yhl***** The members of the group work together to resolve customer complaint. 23/04/20 08:32:11
pcl** The members of the group work together to resolve customer complaint. 23/04/20 08:30:40
ans***** The members of the group work together to resolve customer complain. 23/04/20 08:17:51
xyz**** together/complaints 23/04/20 08:12:30
kka**** The members of the group work cooperatively to resolve customer complan. 23/04/20 07:42:25
kan***** The members of the group work cooperatively to reslove customer complaints. 23/04/20 07:33:59
kim**** The members of the group work correspondent to resolve customer problem. 23/04/20 07:05:39
neo**** The members of the group work together to resolve customer complaints. 23/04/20 06:55:55
lch***** together, complaint 23/04/20 06:53:00
maj*** cooperately, complaints 23/04/20 06:52:47
a0j** The members of the group work collaborately to resolve customer complaints. 23/04/20 06:45:40