YBM 생활영어

이전 그냥 보내줬어. 다음

오늘도 새로운 표현으로 나의 생활영어 실력을 쑥쑥 키워볼까요?

1오늘의 학습 주제
A: A car behind mine kissed my bumper today.
B: People in a rush don’t allow for a safe stopping distance.
A: There’s no detectable damage so 그냥 보내줬어.
B: You’re kind. I hope you got his numbers, just in case.
해설강의 : John Valentine(Twitter ID : @JohnValentine2), 홍주희
2오디오 강의 듣고, 정답 확인
3해석 및 해설
A: 오늘 어떤 차가 뒤에서 내 차 범퍼를 받았어.
B: 바빠서 서두를 때는 사람들이 안전거리 확보를 안 한단 말이야.
A: 차에 표나는 흠은 없어서 I let him off the hook.
B: 너 참 착하다. 그래도 혹시 모르니 그 차주 번호라도 좀 받아뒀기를 바래.

[Additional expressions]
*A car behind mine
– A car that was driving behind me / The driver of the car in line right behind me
*kissed my bumper
– bumped into me / hit my car / smacked into my rear bumper
*People in a rush
– People who are hurrying around / Those who are speeding about
*don’t allow for a safe stopping distance
– don’t provide for that safe distance in which to stop their cars
*There’s no detectable damage
– You really can’t see any damage / There’s no damage to my car to speak of
*I let him off the hook.
– I told him to just go / I let him go / I didn’t do anything about it
*You’re kind.
– That’s very generous of you. / You’ve got a kind and forgiving soul.
*I hope you got his numbers
– I hope you have his information / Please tell me that you got his contact info
*just in case
– in case a problem develops / only for the reason that a problem might develop later

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