비즈니스 특강

이전 Catch someone off guard 다음

Catch someone off guard

    Today’s Expression

    Hanna: How did the presentation go?

    Billy: Not so well. Mrs. Brown caught me off guard with her question.

    Catch someone off guard
    허를 찌르다, 빈틈을 보이게 하다

    1. Mrs. Brown caught me off guard with her question.
    Mrs. Brown이 예기치 못한 기습 질문을 했어.

    2. The airline company was caught off guard by unexpected ice and snow.
    그 항공사는 예상하지 못한 얼음과 눈에 허점을 보였습니다.

    Application Practice 응용연습

    1. Easy: 그녀의 갑작스런 사임이 모두를 당황하게 했다. (사임 resignation)
    Her sudden resignation caught everyone off guard.

    2. Intermediate: 그들이 개인적인 질문으로 (당신의) 허를 찌르게 두지 마세요.
    Don’t let them catch you off guard with personal questions.

    3. Hard: 중앙은행이 추가 금리인상을 발표했을 때 많은 기업들이 당황했다. (인상 hike)
    Many businesses were caught off guard when the central bank announced another interest rate hike.