비즈니스 특강

이전 구동사 Be snowed under 다음

구동사 Be snowed under

    Today’s Expression

    Mike: So, how come Isaac couldn’t join us tonight?

    Kim: He started his new business last week, and he seems to be snowed under with new orders already.

    Mike: Good for him.

    Be snowed under
    (특히 많은 일에) 파묻히다

    1. He started his new business last week, and he seems to be snowed under with new orders already.
    그는 새 사업을 지난 주에 시작했는데 벌써 새 주문으로 엄청 바쁜가봐.

    2. You don’t want to make your staff feel snowed under with unnecessary burden.
    당신의 부하 직원들을 그 불필요한 짐으로 부담을 느끼게 하지는 마세요.

    Application Practice 응용연습

    1. Easy: 저는 서류작업으로 파묻히는 것이 정말 싫어요. (서류 작업 paperwork)
    I really hate to be snowed under with paperwork.

    2. Intermediate: 지난 주에 이틀밖에 안 쉬었는데 너무 많은 일에 파묻혔어요.
    I only took two days off last week, but I am snowed under with so much work.

    3. Hard: 회계연도가 거의 다 끝나서 우리 부서는 지금 많이 바빠요. (회계연도 financial year)
    It’s nearly the end of the financial year, and our team is snowed under at the moment.