비즈니스 특강

이전 구동사 Pick up 다음

구동사 Pick up

    Today’s Expression

    Ben: Hello Mr. Perez. How’s business?

    Mr. Perez: We had a slow start this year, but It’s been picking up recently.

    Pick up
    회복되다, 개선되다, 더 강해지다, (부진하다가) 증가하다

    1. We had a slow start this year, but It’s been picking up recently.
    올해 시작할 때는 부진했는데 최근 좋아졌어요.

    2. Many investors are confident that the economy will pick up from the fourth quarter.
    많은 투자자들이 경기가 4분기부터 회복될 것이라고 확신한다.

    Application Practice 응용연습

    1. Easy: 대미 수출이 빨리 회복 중입니다.
    Exports to the US are picking up rapidy.

    2. Intermediate: 올해 소비자 지출이 점차 회복될 것으로 예상됩니다.
    Consumer spending is expected to pick up gradually this year.

    3. Hard: 수요가 계속 견고했기 때문에 생산이 회복해왔습니다. (견고한, 탄탄한 solid)
    Because demand has remained solid, production has been picking up.