Speaking 연습장

이전 출근하는 데 버스로 약 30분 정도 걸립니다. 종료 다음
문장 내 빈 칸에 알맞은 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성해보세요! 우수 정답자 2분을 선정하여 YBM인강 단과강의 5천원 할인쿠폰을 드리며 제출하신 문장은 응시기간 종료후 노출됩니다.
(* 쿠폰은 익월 10일 경에 한 번에 지급됩니다.)
It _____ about 30 minutes to _____ to work _____ bus.
  • 모범 정답 It takes about 30 minutes to get to work by bus.
  • 우수 정답자 ID : tos**** / it takes about 30 minutes to get to work by bus
  • 우수 정답자 ID : din***** / It takes about 30 minutes to get to work by bus.
ID 제출 문장 등록일
yoy** It takes about 30 minutes to cummut to work by bus 22/07/20 17:32:57
shd****** It takes about 30 minutes to go to work by bus 22/07/20 15:20:20
hi2*** it takes about 30 minutes to go to work with bus. 22/07/20 14:23:45
agu***** It takes about 30 minutes to office to work by bus 22/07/20 10:48:41
tkd***** It takes about 30 minutes to go to work by bus. 22/07/20 09:38:04
con**** It takes about 30 minutes to home to work by bus. 22/07/20 09:19:49
yyj*** take / get/ by 22/07/20 08:33:14
eun******* It takes about 30 minutes to go to work by bus. 22/07/20 01:48:47
rle****** It takes about 30 minutes to commute to work by bus 22/07/19 23:24:35
pie******* It takes about 30 minutes to go to work by bus. 22/07/19 17:15:50
jan***** It takes about 30 minutes to comute to work by bus 22/07/19 14:24:36
whi***** take , get, by 22/07/19 10:02:31
yan******* It takes about 30 minutes to go to work by bus 22/07/19 08:18:16
ssa*** It takes about 30 minutes to get to work by bus 22/07/18 18:19:43
lov******* It take about 30 minutes to go to work by bus. 22/07/18 17:03:27