발음여행 미국 vs 영국

이전 World’s Most Christie’s Auction Buyers 다음
update : 2023-05-30

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Asian buyers rung up 16% of auction sales, with Japanese buyers stepping up their art spending by 63% over 2012.

Dictation 박스 안에 정답을 입력 후 정답확인 버튼을 클릭해 주세요

World’s Most Christie’s Auction Buyers

Welcome back. Now, despite the of the world economy, 2013 was a banner year for art sales. Now, London-based Christie’s Auction House says that it hit a record sales figure last year — $7.1 billion of art was sold. And one of the things pushing that growth was a rise in from buyers in — guess where? —Asia. Christie’s says last year European buyers accounted for 54% of sales followed by the Americas at 30%. Asian buyers rung up 16% of auction sales, with Chinese buyers stepping up their art spending by 63% over 2012.