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이전 Soaking Siblings Are Newest Apples Of... 다음
update : 2023-01-24

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French newborn nurse Sonia Rochel developed this bathing technique. Sonia says she first got the idea for a baby spa about 20years ago while she was taking a shower.

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Soaking Siblings Are Newest Apples Of Internet’s Eye

Rub-a-dub-dub, twins in the tub, make that newborn twins in a sink, cuddling while taking a spa bath only a week out of the . French newborn nurse Sonia Rochel developed this bathing technique. Sonia says she first got the idea for a baby spa about 15years ago while she was taking a shower. She loved how the water felt streaming down on her head. She figured it would make a newborn feel right at home. To relieve the trauma of birth, Sonia started streaming water on babies’ heads while massaging them and playing music. Now she’s graduated from single babies to the twins, a boy and a girl. Sonia warns that some of the head-handling moves shouldn’t be attempted by untrained parents, for instance, when she cradles the baby with nose and mouth just above the surface but eyes submerged. A neonatologist we talked to didn’t seem too worried about the spa baths, saying babies have good to avoid drowning.