발음여행 미국 vs 영국

이전 China’s Airspace Claim 다음
update : 2023-01-17

Quiz - True or False True 또는 False를 선택 후 정답확인 버튼을 클릭해 주세요

South Korea hasn't now become more heavily involved in the ongoing territorial and airspace disputes between China and Japan.

Dictation 박스 안에 정답을 입력 후 정답확인 버튼을 클릭해 주세요

What’s South Korea’s Stance Toward China’s Airspace Claim

Japan and the U.S. have been quick to criticize China’s claim to the air defense zone, but South Korea’s response has been less fiery and perhaps more diplomatic. South Korea has now become more heavily involved in the ongoing territorial and airspace disputes between China and Japan. Seoul says on Thursday that it flew a military plane on Tuesday through China’s newly- air defense zone without notifying Beijing. Now the Defense Ministry here in South Korea says it was a maritime patrol plane and it was flying over the leodo reef. This is a reef that is claimed and controlled by South Korea. Seoul says that it was a routine flight. Now also, this Thursday there was a high-level defense strategic meeting between China and Korea. South Korea did ask China to change its new air defense zone as it does overlap that of South Korea’s — Seoul even saying that it would consider its own air defense zone, which, of course, could escalate the situation even further. Seoul says that at this point China has rejected its demands.