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이전 Alarming Research on Binge Drinking 다음
update : 2022-08-09

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Alarming research into a serious problem.

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Alarming Research on Binge Drinking

Alarming research into a serious problem.

alcohol use is a leading, preventable cause of death in disease in the US.”

Marissa Esser is one of the authors of a recent report by the CDC which looked at binge drinking in 2018, defined as 4 or more drinks on one occasion for women and 5 or more for men.

Researchers found one in six US adults reported binge drinking during the past 30 days, 25 percent of those reported doing it at least weekly and 25 percent also said they had at least 8 drinks at a time.

“This is a very risky pattern of drinking that can increase the risk of harms such as chronic conditions including cancer, heart disease, liver disease, alcohol use disorder, as well as the short term effects such as the injuries, and violence, and alcohol poisoning and other drug overdoses as well.”

The pandemic may have the problem.

“Given incredible stress that the nation is under during this health crisis, likely these numbers would be worse, if, if collected today.”

Dr. Trent Hall is an addiction medicine specialist at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. He says get help if you’re using alcohol because of depression or other illness. You can also set a goal to cut back on drinking. Seek accountability from friends and family. And, if you do consume alcohol, Hall says to space out drinks.

“Have an alcoholic beverage followed by a non-alcoholic beverage... cut your drinking in half in that way.”