발음여행 미국 vs 영국

이전 New Car Sales Plunge 다음
update : 2022-06-14

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“Now, we’re worried right now that looks like 2022, or even as late as 2023, before we can get back up to production. So until that time expect that new cars are gonna be difficult to [access].”

Dictation 박스 안에 정답을 입력 후 정답확인 버튼을 클릭해 주세요

New Car Sales Plunge

Declining new car sales in the US. The auto industry reporting a drop over the last three months despite massive customer demand.

“So right now, dealers have very few new cars on the lot and you can see that by, drive by any dealer lot. There’s cars up front in the front row, but nothing behind it.”

Automakers like GM and Fiat Chrysler are reporting a drop in new car sales with all pointing to supply chain disruptions and low as the problem. The auto industry has been dealing with a shortage of computer chips needed to build cars for more than a year.

“We are waiting for China to get those materials because we may have the companies based here in the US, but they’re building those chips in China and we’re getting about 80% of our need. The demand is very high.”

And that’s creating a domino effect impacting consumer’s wallets. Starting with chip shortages and supply chain disruptions impacting inventory at car dealerships, and then that shortage of cars leading to prices for new cars... which then sidelines potential car buyers who are priced out of the market. One expert says relief from those high prices could still be several months away.

“Now, we’re worried right now that looks like 2022, or even as late as 2023, before we can get back up to production. So until that time expect that new cars are gonna be difficult to [access].”