실전 5분 토익

다양한 문제와 실전토익! 실전같은 5분으로 토익 감각을 길러보세요.
이전 오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요? 다음
오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요?
1Several engineers found out that the coolant can move         inside a refrigerator when the coolant’s temperature is low than when it is above zero.
2The COO of Kelly’s Interior is widely commended by shareholders for sharply cutting back on business         by reducing the amount of outsourcing, instead purchasing the raw materials on their own and processing them at their own facilities.
3Eve Cosmetics released an official announcement today which stated that it will establish two more production facilities, designed to         its volume of operations and sales and promote expansion into new markets.