실전 5분 토익

다양한 문제와 실전토익! 실전같은 5분으로 토익 감각을 길러보세요.
이전 오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요? 다음
오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요?
1With only three of the 25 sites left to visit, Ms. Kyung Hyun Kwon, the World Donation Organization’s secretary general, has              fulfilled her promise to inspect every World Donation Organization branch in person.
2             low sales were recorded in the year-on-year performance data, high sales figures for the three remaining quarters are expected to result in a profitable year overall.
3Ms. Zhang, the party coordinator at Trusty & Lovelier, will ask employees to attend the upcoming hotel dinner show, and then determine the menu based on their top preferences             .