실전 5분 토익

다양한 문제와 실전토익! 실전같은 5분으로 토익 감각을 길러보세요.
이전 오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요? 다음
오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요?
1The next regularly              outgoing flight to Myanmar’s central airport is set to depart at 11:30 A.M. in two days.
2The company chairperson and board of directors will meet with Mr. Del Rio, a renowned marketing strategist adept at drawing up a variety of plans geared toward market environments, to share marketing strategies with             .
3In order to attract as many customers as possible to traditional markets, there are              of both online and offline coupons that shoppers can use in the stores.