비즈니스 특강

이전 Cut one’s losses 다음

Cut one’s losses

    Today’s Expression

    Mike: I thought you were working on a new advertising campaign. What happened?

    Kyle: I was, but it was too expensive and not producing enough results, so we decided to cut our losses.

    Cut one’s losses
    손실을 줄이다. (손을 떼어) 손해를 막다

    1. I was, but it was too expensive and not producing enough results, so we decided to cut our losses.
    그러고 있었는데 그 캠페인이 너무 비싸고 성과가 없어서 손을 떼기로 했어.

    2. It is far better to cut your losses and begin again from the scratch.
    손을 떼고 처음부터 시작하는 것이 훨씬 낫다.

    Application Practice 응용연습

    1. Easy: 가끔은 손을 떼고 다시 전진하는 것이 최고다. (~으로 넘어가다 move on)
    Sometimes it is best to cut your losses and move on.

    2. Intermediate: 내가 당신이라면 (나는) 손을 떼고 보다 수익성이 있는 것에 집중하겠어요. (수익성이 있는 profitable)
    If I were you, I would cut my losses and focus on something more profitable.

    3. Hard: 주가가 훨씬 더 떨어지기 전에 손실을 줄이고 주식을 처분하세요.
    You should cut your losses and sell your stocks before the prices fall even further.