Speaking 연습장

이전 우리는 이 대회의 결승 진출자를 발표하게 되어 기쁩니다. 종료 다음
문장 내 빈 칸에 알맞은 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성해보세요! 우수 정답자 2분을 선정하여 YBM인강 단과강의 5천원 할인쿠폰을 드리며 제출하신 문장은 응시기간 종료후 노출됩니다.
(* 쿠폰은 익월 10일 경에 한 번에 지급됩니다.)
We are _____ to announce the finalists in the _____.
  • 모범 정답 We are pleased to announce the finalists in the competition.
  • 우수 정답자 ID : yso** / We are pleased to announce the finalists in the competition.
  • 우수 정답자 ID : dbs***** / We are pleased to announce the finalists in the competition.
ID 제출 문장 등록일
coz***** We are happy to announce the finalist in the contest. 23/12/06 17:35:35
ten**** pleased competition 23/12/06 10:35:47
tre***** happy , game 23/12/06 06:52:27
kyj**** We are rejoice to announce the finalists in the contest. 23/12/06 05:17:34
shi****** We are please to announce the finalists in the competition 23/12/06 00:02:12
kwo**** we are pleasure to announce the finalists in the contest. 23/12/05 21:17:41
Sue**** We are pleased to announce the finalists in the competition 23/12/05 18:39:28
se7***** We are glad to announce the finalists in the competition. 23/12/05 09:52:34
lim******* pleased, competition 23/12/05 00:04:50
eli**** glad / competition 23/12/04 15:26:58
ikj** We are pleased to announce the finalists in the competition. 23/12/04 13:47:27
hjc******* We are pleased to announce the finalists in the competition 23/12/04 11:48:21
dbs***** We are pleased to announce the finalists in the competition. 23/12/04 11:14:33
kty**** We are pleased to announce the finalists in the conversation 23/12/03 21:24:28
wns****** We are glad to announce the finalists in the match 23/12/03 19:16:59