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이전 Mysterious Plane Disappearances In History 다음
update : 2023-11-28

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Even in our world of satellites and cell phones, giant airliners can't disappear, at least for a while. The last was Air France Flight 447 in 2009.

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Mysterious Plane Disappearances In History

Even in our world of satellites and cell phones, giant airliners can disappear, at least for a while. The last was Air France Flight 447 in 2009. The Airbus 330, with 228 people aboard, beyond radar on a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. It took search crews 5 days to find and debris and 2 years to locate the plane and its flight recorders on the ocean floor. , investigators determined mechanical failure and pilot error were to blame. Even when there are witnesses to a plane crash, there can be mystery and controversy, and TWA 800 is proof of that. Upwards of 1,500 people say they saw some kind of fire trail on the sky July 17th, 1996, leading to speculation it was a missile and terrorism that brought down the 747, killing 230 people. Former ABC correspondent Pierre Salinger fed the flames of , incorrectly claiming it was a U.S. navy ship that shot the plane down. In some airline mysteries, it’s not how the plane when down that grips the public, but how passengers survive. Such was the case of Flight 571. In 1972, the charter plane crashed in the Andes Mountains, so the 45 passengers on board, only 16 would live to tell about it, The tragedy was made famous in the 1993 film “Alive,” depicting survivors eating the dead to stay alive the 72 days it took for rescue.