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이전 Timeline of the Missing Malaysia Flight 다음
update : 2023-10-24

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At 2:40 am, even though the plane wasn’t transmitting information, Malaysian military radar tracked it over the Strait of Malacca, hundreds of miles off course and in the opposite direction. That was the last time it showed up on radar.

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Timeline of the Missing Malaysia Flight

Many questions remain as the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 continues, but here’s how experts reconstruct key moments of the flight. 12:41 am, March 8, the plane took off as planned from Kuala Lumpur headed for Beijing. Shortly after takeoff, someone likely turned off the plane’s communication system called ACARS. ACARS collects information on the performance of the plane and the pilot. It then sends the information via to any authorized parties on the ground. Around 1:30 am, the transponder on Flight 370 was also disabled. The transponder sends out squawks to radar systems with the plane’s flight number, height, speed, and direction. This is when Malaysian air traffic controllers say they lost contact between Malaysia and Vietnam. It is believed that around the same time, someone in the plane’s cockpit made the final voice check in with air traffic control. “All right, Good night.” were the final words from the cockpit. At 2:40 am, even though the plane wasn’t transmitting information, Malaysian military radar tracked it over the Strait of Malacca, hundreds of miles off course and in the opposite direction. That was the last time it showed up on radar. But a satellite detected it at 8:11 am, more than seven hours after takeoff, during routine handshakes, or electronic connections the satellite makes with aircraft . It wasn’t enough to pinpoint the exact location of the plane but it is within a large geographic arc that extends north as far as Kazakhstan and south over the Indian Ocean. More than a week after takeoff, the location of Flight 370 is still a mystery.