실전 5분 토익

다양한 문제와 실전토익! 실전같은 5분으로 토익 감각을 길러보세요.
이전 오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요? 다음
오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요?
1After going through the general list of Eden Food’s well-arranged and         collection, shoppers find the right ingredients surprisingly fast.
2The imminent disposal of the company’s 35 computers, some as much as 10 years old, was deferred based on the close         of whether the expenditure of purchasing new ones was a dire need.
3Representatives from Luivitol Furniture participated in the Brian Royer Chair Corporation’s annual staff luncheon banquet to         their hearty appreciation for the increase in sales that the support of the corporation’s sales team made possible.