실전 5분 토익

다양한 문제와 실전토익! 실전같은 5분으로 토익 감각을 길러보세요.
이전 오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요? 다음
오늘은 Part 5를 풀어볼까요?
1A recent award-winning case study released by Parks Research Center demonstrates that         tend to be more likely to be effective when based on a package of other fringe benefits.
2Jay Vim Clothing Corporation’s entirely new lineup of clothes is manufactured from environmentally friendly materials,         cotton indigenous to Korea, young bamboo fibers, and fine silk from India.
3        the board of directors’ meeting convened by the company chairperson, the general director, and Mr. Byun will reach an agreement and modify the annual budget.