YBM 생활영어

이전 긴장을 풀고 좀 즐겨야겠어. 다음

오늘도 새로운 표현으로 나의 생활영어 실력을 쑥쑥 키워볼까요?

1오늘의 학습 주제
A: I’m antsy. 긴장을 풀고 좀 즐겨야겠어.
B: If your plans are within reason, I’m with you all the way.
A: You can’t back out later and leave me hanging.
B: I give you my word. I’m in for the whole ride.
해설강의 : John Valentine(Twitter ID : @JohnValentine2), 홍주희
2오디오 강의 듣고, 정답 확인
3해석 및 해설
A: 영 갑갑하고 불안하네. I need to let my hair down.
B: 적당한 범위내에서 계획하는 거라면, 나도 합류할게.
A: 나중에 빠지고 나 혼자 두고 가기 없기다.
B: 약속할게. 끝까지 함께 하기로.

[Additional expressions]
*I’m antsy.
– I’m on edge. / I’m really fidgety. / I’m on pins and needles. / I’m all stressed out.
*I need to let my hair down.
– I need to relax. / I need to go out for some fun. / Some relaxation would be nice.
*If your plans are within reason
– If you don’t have a really crazy idea / As long as it’s not an overly wild plan
*I’m with you all the way.
– I’m in. / I’ll join you. / I can go out with you.
*You can’t back out later
– Don’t change your mind later / It won’t be cool if you cancel later on
*leave me hanging
– abandon me / leave me all alone / send me out by myself
*I give you my word.
– I promise. / You can trust me. / I won’t let you down.
*I’m in for the whole ride.
– I’m in all the way. / I’m totally committed.
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