비즈니스 특강

이전 Class 67: 구동사 Contract out 다음

Class 67: 구동사 Contract out

    Today’s Expression

    Ted: I heard there is going to be a strike at Stenson Co. Do you know what it’s about?

    Steve: Yeah. The company is planning to shut down its plants and contract out its manufacturing jobs.

    Contract (something) out to (somebody)
    ~에게 계약에 의한 일을 주다, 외주하다

    1. The company is planning to shut down its plants and contract out its manufacturing jobs.
    회사가 공장을 닫고 생산직을 외주로 줄 계획이에요.

    2. We need to contract out auditing to an outside accounting firm.
    회계감사를 외부 회계법인에 맡길 필요가 있습니다.

    Application Practice 응용연습

    1. Easy: 우리는 사무실 청소를 전문청소업체에 맡깁니다.
    We contract out office cleaning to professional cleaners.

    2. Intermediate: 회사는 그 건설공사를 최저 입찰자에게 수줄 할 것입니다. (입찰자 bidder)
    The company is contracting out the construction work to the lowest bidder.

    3. Hard: (저희는) 저희에게 교육을 받은 현지 가이드들에게 저희 서비스를 맡기고 있습니다.
    We contract out our services to local guides who have been trained by us.