비즈니스 특강

이전 By the book 다음

By the book

    Today’s Expression

    Charles: Why do you want to transfer to the marketing department?

    Janice: Mr. Yates insists that I do everything by the book, so there is no room for me to be creative.

    By the book
    (엄격히) 규칙대로, 정석대로, 원칙대로

    1. Mr. Yates insists that I do everything by the book, so there is no room for me to be creative.
    Mr. Yates가 모든 것을 정석대로 하기를 고집해서 창의력을 발휘할 여지가 없어.

    2. I’m afraid what you are doing is not by the book.
    미안하지만 당신은 원칙을 벗어나고 있어요.

    Application Practice 응용연습

    1. Easy: 혹시 모르니 이것은 원칙대로 합시다.
    Let’s do this by the book just to be safe.

    2. Intermediate: 원하지 않으면 정석대로 하지 않아도 됩니다.
    You don’t have to go by the book if you don’t want to.

    3. Hard: 모험을 하고 싶지 않으니 원칙대로 해주세요. (모험을 하다 take a chance)
    I don’t want to take any chances, so please go by the book.