비즈니스 특강

이전 구동사 STEP in 다음

구동사 STEP in

    Today’s Expression

    Mr. Kelly: First Ocean wants to take us to court to settle this issue, and I can’t seem to convince them to do otherwise.

    Ms. Park: I think it’s time to ask our legal team to step in.

    Step in
    (문제 해결을 위해) 돕고 나서다, 개입하다

    1. I think it’s time to ask our legal team to step in.
    법률팀에게 도움을 요청할 때인 것 같네요.

    2. The boss asked me to step in for Mr. Wendell, but I don’t think I’m ready.
    사장님이 Mr. Wendell을 위해 대신 나서 달라고 부탁했지만 저는 준비가 안됐어요.

    Application Practice 응용연습

    1. Easy: 그 회사를 구제하기 위해 정부가 나서야 할 것입니다. (구제하다 bail out)
    The government will have to step in to bail out the company.

    2. Intermediate: Mrs. Dwight가 돌아올 때까지 제가 그녀를 위해 나서도 될까요?
    Would you mind if I stepped in for Mrs. Dwight until she came back?

    3. Hard: 협상이 교착상태에 이르렀고 누군가가 그 교착상태를 타개해야 했다. (교착상태 deadlock)
    The negotiations came to a deadlock, and someone had to step in to break it.